Hello, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! I just completed Advent of Code 2023, and wanted to jot down a few reflections before I disappear for the holidays. Like last year, I chose to implement my solutions using Rust.
The good news is that I ran into far fewer problems with Rust this year. There
are a few reasons for this, but a lot of it just boils down to experience. I
tend to program excessively using lazy iterators, and I began to get a second
sense for when I'd need to call .collect()
to avoid referencing a freed
temporary value. Similarly, when I would get a compiler error (and yes, this
still happens a lot!), I would often immediately know how to fix the problem.
That being said, there were still occasions when the language just "got in the
way". I had a few solutions where I had to throw in copious amounts of
calls. One salient example was on day
when I wanted to memoize a subproblem. But to do so, I also had to pass a value
instead of a reference to each sub-problem, which slowed things down
dramatically. Anyway, with more work, the solution probably would have been to
use references with lifetimes and just ensure that memoization happened during
the right lifetimes. But the key phrase there is with more work. And see
-- I was already pretty frustrated.
On this year's Advent of Code, I used Chat-GPT and Co-pilot quite heavily, as I do in practice when coding. I used Chat-GPT mostly to avoid looking up documentation or crates. For example, "How can I add a progress indicator to an iterator in Rust?" or "How can I bind a sub-pattern to a name in Rust?". Given that I hadn't programmed in Rust for a year, I was a bit rusty (ha!)
Co-pilot was also quite useful. It was pretty good at writing out boilerplate code. Advent of Code problems tend to include copious amounts of grid problems, and Co-pilot reduced a lot of the fatigue for helper functions. Define things for the X axis, and it would figure out how to implement the other cases.
I also found that Co-pilot was able to explain weird Rust borrowing problems far
better than the compiler. As I wrote about last year, Rust's borrowing rules
sometimes don't work that great for my programming style, but Co-pilot was
pretty good about explaining problems. I don't have a specific example, but
think of searching a vector using vec.iter()
, using the found value at some
point, and then later trying to move the vector. In my opinion, this definitely
makes it easier to program in Rust.
Now, Co-pilot did introduce some headaches as well. Although it was pretty
good, it would sometimes introduce problematic completions. For instance, it
really liked to complete print statements by adding an extra quote, e.g.,
println!("This is something: {:?}", something");
Not a huge deal, but it
happened enough that it was irritating.
On some level, I think everyone knows this, but it's still worth saying: You are more effective when thinking clearly. I recall from graduate school that many of my fellow students would pull all nighters and submit papers in the wee hours of the morning. I never did that. My efficiency just plummets as I get tired.
I experienced a pretty funny (in retrospect) example of this on day 22. You can read the problem, it's not really that hard. One of the nice things about programming functionally is that it usually works or completely fails. There's not a lot of in-between. In Advent of Code, this means that if your solution works on the example, it usually works on the real input (ignoring performance). But on day 22, my code did not work on the real input. The problem is pretty simple, so it was infuriating. Rather than taking a break to clear my head, I just kept trying to debug it. I stayed up far past my bed time, becoming more and more frustrated. I even completely rewrote my implementation in Python before giving up and going to bed.
The next morning, I woke up and looked at the problem again. I had a simple idea. I actually had two solutions to the problem. I had a simple but slow solution that I was confident was correct, but was too slow to use on the real input. And I had my fast solution that I thought should be correct, but wasn't. My insight was that I could make "in between" problems by just taking a portion of the real input -- say 10%. And then see if my fast solution agreed with the slow one. It didn't. I then ran Lithium and reduced the input to a minimal example. From here, it was trivial to spot the fundamental problem I had in my recursive algorithm. I fixed it, and my solution worked. This whole process probably only took 30 minutes from the time I woke up. I futilely spent hours the previous night. And the worst part is that, even in the moment, I knew I was acting foolishly. I was just too frustrated to stop.
I don't know if this is universal, but when I am stressed or frustrated, I usually make mistakes, which naturally compound my stress and frustration! There is a fine line between perseverance and stubbornness, and I crossed it on day 22.
I've been working on a blog post that has some interesting images in it. Unfortunately, my blog view is narrow, which makes it hard to see these. So, I decided to add a "click for full screen" feature to my blog. How hard could it be?
Answer: Very hard. Sadly, this took me a few days.
I hope to write a more detailed post about this later, but for now, I wanted to show off the fruits of my labor.
I can write:
<fsclick>![A wide picture](wide.jpg)</fsclick>
And you see:
Go ahead, click on it, I dare you! src
I'm trying to document a few things that I do infrequently enough that I tend to forget how to do them, and need to rediscover the process each time. Next in this series is debugging the Ghidra decompiler. This is one of the only resources I know of that discusses this!
The process is roughly:
cd /path/to/ghidra/Ghidra/Features/Decompiler/src/decompile/cpp
make decomp_dbg
SLEIGHHOME=/path/to/ghidra ./decomp_dbg
. You should now be in the
interpreter.restore /path/to/debug.xml
load function target_func
trace address insn_address
Here's a full example:
~/g/g/G/F/D/s/d/cpp $ env SLEIGHHOME=/home/ed/ghidra/ghidra_10.4_PUBLIC/ ./decomp_dbg
[decomp]> restore /tmp/mydebug.xml
/tmp/mydebug.xml successfully loaded: Intel/AMD 32-bit x86
[decomp]> load function main
Function main: 0x00411530
[decomp]> trace address 0x4115ec
OK (1 ranges)
[decomp]> decompile
Decompiling main
DEBUG 0: extrapopsetup
0x004115ec:200: **
0x004115ec:200: ESP(0x004115ec:200) = ESP(free) + #0x4
DEBUG 1: funclink
0x004115ec:a5: call fCls3:8(free)
0x004115ec:a5: EAX(0x004115ec:a5) = call fCls3:8(free)(ECX(free),u0x10000019:1(0x004115ec:212))
0x004115ec:211: **
0x004115ec:211: u0x10000015(0x004115ec:211) = ESP(free) + #0x0
0x004115ec:212: **
0x004115ec:212: u0x10000019:1(0x004115ec:212) = *(ram,u0x10000015(0x004115ec:211))
DEBUG 2: heritage
0x004115ec:248: **
0x004115ec:248: ECX(0x004115ec:248) = [create] i0x004115ec:a5:8(free)
0x004115ec:25a: **
0x004115ec:25a: EDX(0x004115ec:25a) = [create] i0x004115ec:a5:8(free)
0x004115ec:26f: **
0x004115ec:26f: CF(0x004115ec:26f) = CF(0x004115dd:96) [] i0x004115ec:a5:8(free)
0x004115ec:280: **
0x004115ec:280: PF(0x004115ec:280) = PF(0x004115dd:9e) [] i0x004115ec:a5:8(free)
0x004115ec:291: **
0x004115ec:291: ZF(0x004115ec:291) = ZF(0x004115dd:9a) [] i0x004115ec:a5:8(free)
0x004115ec:2a2: **
0x004115ec:2a2: SF(0x004115ec:2a2) = SF(0x004115dd:99) [] i0x004115ec:a5:8(free)
0x004115ec:2b3: **
0x004115ec:2b3: OF(0x004115ec:2b3) = OF(0x004115dd:97) [] i0x004115ec:a5:8(free)
0x004115ec:2c4: **
0x004115ec:2c4: EIP(0x004115ec:2c4) = EIP(0x004115c8:2c3) [] i0x004115ec:a5:8(free)
0x004115ec:a3: ESP(0x004115ec:a3) = ESP(free) - #0x4
0x004115ec:a3: ESP(0x004115ec:a3) = ESP(0x004115cd:86) - #0x4
0x004115ec:a4: *(ram,ESP(free)) = #0x4115f1
0x004115ec:a4: *(ram,ESP(0x004115ec:a3)) = #0x4115f1
0x004115ec:211: u0x10000015(0x004115ec:211) = ESP(free) + #0x0
0x004115ec:211: u0x10000015(0x004115ec:211) = ESP(0x004115ec:a3) + #0x0
0x004115ec:a5: EAX(0x004115ec:a5) = call fCls3:8(free)(ECX(free),u0x10000019:1(0x004115ec:212))
0x004115ec:a5: EAX(0x004115ec:a5) = call fCls3:8(free)(ECX(0x004115e6:a2),u0x10000019:1(0x004115ec:212))
0x004115ec:200: ESP(0x004115ec:200) = ESP(free) + #0x4
0x004115ec:200: ESP(0x004115ec:200) = ESP(0x004115ec:a3) + #0x4
DEBUG 3: deadcode
0x004115ec:248: ECX(0x004115ec:248) = [create] i0x004115ec:a5:8(free)
0x004115ec:248: **
0x004115ec:25a: EDX(0x004115ec:25a) = [create] i0x004115ec:a5:8(free)
0x004115ec:25a: **
0x004115ec:26f: CF(0x004115ec:26f) = CF(0x004115dd:96) [] i0x004115ec:a5:8(free)
0x004115ec:26f: **
0x004115ec:280: PF(0x004115ec:280) = PF(0x004115dd:9e) [] i0x004115ec:a5:8(free)
0x004115ec:280: **
0x004115ec:291: ZF(0x004115ec:291) = ZF(0x004115dd:9a) [] i0x004115ec:a5:8(free)
0x004115ec:291: **
0x004115ec:2a2: SF(0x004115ec:2a2) = SF(0x004115dd:99) [] i0x004115ec:a5:8(free)
0x004115ec:2a2: **
0x004115ec:2b3: OF(0x004115ec:2b3) = OF(0x004115dd:97) [] i0x004115ec:a5:8(free)
0x004115ec:2b3: **
0x004115ec:2c4: EIP(0x004115ec:2c4) = EIP(0x004115c8:2c3) [] i0x004115ec:a5:8(free)
0x004115ec:2c4: **
DEBUG 4: sub2add
0x004115ec:2e4: **
0x004115ec:2e4: u0x100000a0(0x004115ec:2e4) = #0x4 * #0xffffffff
0x004115ec:a3: ESP(0x004115ec:a3) = ESP(0x004115cd:86) - #0x4
0x004115ec:a3: ESP(0x004115ec:a3) = ESP(0x004115cd:86) + u0x100000a0(0x004115ec:2e4)
DEBUG 5: propagatecopy
0x004115ec:a5: EAX(0x004115ec:a5) = call fCls3:8(free)(ECX(0x004115e6:a2),u0x10000019:1(0x004115ec:212))
0x004115ec:a5: EAX(0x004115ec:a5) = call fCls3:8(free)(u0x00007a80(0x004115e6:a1),u0x10000019:1(0x004115ec:212))
DEBUG 6: identityel
0x004115ec:211: u0x10000015(0x004115ec:211) = ESP(0x004115ec:a3) + #0x0
0x004115ec:211: u0x10000015(0x004115ec:211) = ESP(0x004115ec:a3)
DEBUG 7: propagatecopy
0x004115ec:212: u0x10000019:1(0x004115ec:212) = *(ram,u0x10000015(0x004115ec:211))
0x004115ec:212: u0x10000019:1(0x004115ec:212) = *(ram,ESP(0x004115ec:a3))
DEBUG 8: collapseconstants
0x004115ec:2e4: u0x100000a0(0x004115ec:2e4) = #0x4 * #0xffffffff
0x004115ec:2e4: u0x100000a0(0x004115ec:2e4) = #0xfffffffc
DEBUG 9: propagatecopy
0x004115ec:a3: ESP(0x004115ec:a3) = ESP(0x004115cd:86) + u0x100000a0(0x004115ec:2e4)
0x004115ec:a3: ESP(0x004115ec:a3) = ESP(0x004115cd:86) + #0xfffffffc
DEBUG 10: addmultcollapse
0x004115ec:200: ESP(0x004115ec:200) = ESP(0x004115ec:a3) + #0x4
0x004115ec:200: ESP(0x004115ec:200) = ESP(0x004115cd:86) + #0x0
DEBUG 11: earlyremoval
0x004115ec:211: u0x10000015(0x004115ec:211) = ESP(0x004115ec:a3)
0x004115ec:211: **
DEBUG 12: earlyremoval
0x004115ec:2e4: u0x100000a0(0x004115ec:2e4) = #0xfffffffc
0x004115ec:2e4: **
DEBUG 13: addmultcollapse
0x004115ec:a3: ESP(0x004115ec:a3) = ESP(0x004115cd:86) + #0xfffffffc
0x004115ec:a3: ESP(0x004115ec:a3) = ESP(0x004115aa:26a) + #0xfffffffc
DEBUG 14: identityel
0x004115ec:200: ESP(0x004115ec:200) = ESP(0x004115cd:86) + #0x0
0x004115ec:200: ESP(0x004115ec:200) = ESP(0x004115cd:86)
DEBUG 15: multicollapse
0x004115ec:a3: ESP(0x004115ec:a3) = ESP(0x004115aa:26a) + #0xfffffffc
0x004115ec:a3: ESP(0x004115ec:a3) = ESP(0x00411574:4b) + #0xfffffffc
DEBUG 16: addmultcollapse
0x004115ec:a3: ESP(0x004115ec:a3) = ESP(0x00411574:4b) + #0xfffffffc
0x004115ec:a3: ESP(0x004115ec:a3) = ESP(i) + #0xfffffe94
DEBUG 17: earlyremoval
0x004115ec:200: ESP(0x004115ec:200) = ESP(0x004115cd:86)
0x004115ec:200: **
DEBUG 18: stackptrflow
0x004115ec:a3: ESP(0x004115ec:a3) = ESP(i) + #0xfffffe94
0x004115ec:a3: ESP(0x004115ec:a3) = ESP(i) + #0xfffffe94
DEBUG 19: storevarnode
0x004115ec:a4: *(ram,ESP(0x004115ec:a3)) = #0x4115f1
0x004115ec:a4: s0xfffffe94(0x004115ec:a4) = #0x4115f1
DEBUG 20: loadvarnode
0x004115ec:212: u0x10000019:1(0x004115ec:212) = *(ram,ESP(0x004115ec:a3))
0x004115ec:212: **
0x004115ec:a5: EAX(0x004115ec:a5) = call fCls3:8(free)(u0x00007a80(0x004115e6:a1),u0x10000019:1(0x004115ec:212))
0x004115ec:a5: EAX(0x004115ec:a5) = call fCls3:8(free)(u0x00007a80(0x004115e6:a1))
DEBUG 21: heritage
0x004115ec:2fc: **
0x004115ec:2fc: r0x0041a048(0x004115ec:2fc) = r0x0041a048(0x004115c8:2fb) [] i0x004115ec:a5:8(free)
0x004115ec:312: **
0x004115ec:312: s0xfffffe80(0x004115ec:312) = s0xfffffe80(0x004115c8:311) [] i0x004115ec:a5:8(free)
0x004115ec:325: **
0x004115ec:325: s0xfffffe84(0x004115ec:325) = s0xfffffe84(0x004115c8:324) [] i0x004115ec:a5:8(free)
0x004115ec:338: **
0x004115ec:338: s0xfffffe88(0x004115ec:338) = s0xfffffe88(0x004115c8:337) [] i0x004115ec:a5:8(free)
0x004115ec:34b: **
0x004115ec:34b: s0xfffffe8c(0x004115ec:34b) = s0xfffffe8c(0x004115c8:34a) [] i0x004115ec:a5:8(free)
0x004115ec:35e: **
0x004115ec:35e: s0xfffffe90(0x004115ec:35e) = s0xfffffe90(0x004115c8:35d) [] i0x004115ec:a5:8(free)
0x004115ec:371: **
0x004115ec:371: s0xfffffe94(0x004115ec:371) = s0xfffffe94(0x004115ec:a4) [] i0x004115ec:a5:8(free)
0x004115ec:384: **
0x004115ec:384: s0xfffffe98(0x004115ec:384) = s0xfffffe98(0x004115c8:383) [] i0x004115ec:a5:8(free)
0x004115ec:397: **
0x004115ec:397: s0xfffffe9c(0x004115ec:397) = s0xfffffe9c(0x004115c8:396) [] i0x004115ec:a5:8(free)
0x004115ec:3aa: **
0x004115ec:3aa: s0xfffffea0(0x004115ec:3aa) = s0xfffffea0(0x004115c8:3a9) [] i0x004115ec:a5:8(free)
0x004115ec:3bd: **
0x004115ec:3bd: s0xfffffea4(0x004115ec:3bd) = s0xfffffea4(0x004115c8:3bc) [] i0x004115ec:a5:8(free)
0x004115ec:3d0: **
0x004115ec:3d0: s0xfffffea8(0x004115ec:3d0) = s0xfffffea8(0x004115c8:3cf) [] i0x004115ec:a5:8(free)
0x004115ec:3e3: **
0x004115ec:3e3: s0xfffffeb0(0x004115ec:3e3) = s0xfffffeb0(0x004115c8:3e2) [] i0x004115ec:a5:8(free)
0x004115ec:3f6: **
0x004115ec:3f6: s0xfffffebc(0x004115ec:3f6) = s0xfffffebc(0x004115c8:3f5) [] i0x004115ec:a5:8(free)
0x004115ec:409: **
0x004115ec:409: s0xfffffec8(0x004115ec:409) = s0xfffffec8(0x004115c8:408) [] i0x004115ec:a5:8(free)
0x004115ec:41c: **
0x004115ec:41c: s0xfffffed4(0x004115ec:41c) = s0xfffffed4(0x004115d0:8f) [] i0x004115ec:a5:8(free)
0x004115ec:42f: **
0x004115ec:42f: s0xfffffee0(0x004115ec:42f) = s0xfffffee0(0x004115c8:42e) [] i0x004115ec:a5:8(free)
0x004115ec:442: **
0x004115ec:442: s0xfffffeec(0x004115ec:442) = s0xfffffeec(0x004115c8:441) [] i0x004115ec:a5:8(free)
0x004115ec:455: **
0x004115ec:455: s0xfffffef8(0x004115ec:455) = s0xfffffef8(0x004115c8:454) [] i0x004115ec:a5:8(free)
0x004115ec:468: **
0x004115ec:468: s0xffffff04(0x004115ec:468) = s0xffffff04(0x004115c8:467) [] i0x004115ec:a5:8(free)
0x004115ec:47b: **
0x004115ec:47b: s0xffffffd0(0x004115ec:47b) = s0xffffffd0(0x004115c8:47a) [] i0x004115ec:a5:8(free)
0x004115ec:48e: **
0x004115ec:48e: s0xffffffdc(0x004115ec:48e) = s0xffffffdc(0x004115c8:48d) [] i0x004115ec:a5:8(free)
0x004115ec:4a1: **
0x004115ec:4a1: s0xffffffe8(0x004115ec:4a1) = s0xffffffe8(0x004115c8:4a0) [] i0x004115ec:a5:8(free)
0x004115ec:4b4: **
0x004115ec:4b4: s0xfffffff0(0x004115ec:4b4) = s0xfffffff0(0x004115c8:4b3) [] i0x004115ec:a5:8(free)
0x004115ec:4c7: **
0x004115ec:4c7: s0xfffffff4(0x004115ec:4c7) = s0xfffffff4(0x004115c8:4c6) [] i0x004115ec:a5:8(free)
0x004115ec:4da: **
0x004115ec:4da: s0xfffffff8(0x004115ec:4da) = s0xfffffff8(0x004115d6:92) [] i0x004115ec:a5:8(free)
0x004115ec:4ed: **
0x004115ec:4ed: s0xfffffffc(0x004115ec:4ed) = s0xfffffffc(0x004115c8:4ec) [] i0x004115ec:a5:8(free)
DEBUG 22: deadcode
0x004115ec:a3: ESP(0x004115ec:a3) = ESP(i) + #0xfffffe94
0x004115ec:a3: **
0x004115ec:312: s0xfffffe80(0x004115ec:312) = s0xfffffe80(0x004115c8:311) [] i0x004115ec:a5:8(free)
0x004115ec:312: **
0x004115ec:325: s0xfffffe84(0x004115ec:325) = s0xfffffe84(0x004115c8:324) [] i0x004115ec:a5:8(free)
0x004115ec:325: **
0x004115ec:338: s0xfffffe88(0x004115ec:338) = s0xfffffe88(0x004115c8:337) [] i0x004115ec:a5:8(free)
0x004115ec:338: **
0x004115ec:34b: s0xfffffe8c(0x004115ec:34b) = s0xfffffe8c(0x004115c8:34a) [] i0x004115ec:a5:8(free)
0x004115ec:34b: **
0x004115ec:397: s0xfffffe9c(0x004115ec:397) = s0xfffffe9c(0x004115c8:396) [] i0x004115ec:a5:8(free)
0x004115ec:397: **
0x004115ec:3aa: s0xfffffea0(0x004115ec:3aa) = s0xfffffea0(0x004115c8:3a9) [] i0x004115ec:a5:8(free)
0x004115ec:3aa: **
0x004115ec:3bd: s0xfffffea4(0x004115ec:3bd) = s0xfffffea4(0x004115c8:3bc) [] i0x004115ec:a5:8(free)
0x004115ec:3bd: **
0x004115ec:409: s0xfffffec8(0x004115ec:409) = s0xfffffec8(0x004115c8:408) [] i0x004115ec:a5:8(free)
0x004115ec:409: **
0x004115ec:42f: s0xfffffee0(0x004115ec:42f) = s0xfffffee0(0x004115c8:42e) [] i0x004115ec:a5:8(free)
0x004115ec:42f: **
0x004115ec:442: s0xfffffeec(0x004115ec:442) = s0xfffffeec(0x004115c8:441) [] i0x004115ec:a5:8(free)
0x004115ec:442: **
0x004115ec:455: s0xfffffef8(0x004115ec:455) = s0xfffffef8(0x004115c8:454) [] i0x004115ec:a5:8(free)
0x004115ec:455: **
0x004115ec:468: s0xffffff04(0x004115ec:468) = s0xffffff04(0x004115c8:467) [] i0x004115ec:a5:8(free)
0x004115ec:468: **
0x004115ec:47b: s0xffffffd0(0x004115ec:47b) = s0xffffffd0(0x004115c8:47a) [] i0x004115ec:a5:8(free)
0x004115ec:47b: **
0x004115ec:48e: s0xffffffdc(0x004115ec:48e) = s0xffffffdc(0x004115c8:48d) [] i0x004115ec:a5:8(free)
0x004115ec:48e: **
0x004115ec:4ed: s0xfffffffc(0x004115ec:4ed) = s0xfffffffc(0x004115c8:4ec) [] i0x004115ec:a5:8(free)
0x004115ec:4ed: **
DEBUG 23: indirectcollapse
0x004115ec:384: s0xfffffe98(0x004115ec:384) = s0xfffffe98(0x004115c8:383) [] i0x004115ec:a5:8(free)
0x004115ec:384: s0xfffffe98(0x004115ec:384) = s0xfffffe98(0x00411563:3d) [] i0x004115ec:a5:8(free)
DEBUG 24: propagatecopy
0x004115ec:a5: EAX(0x004115ec:a5) = call fCls3:8(free)(u0x00007a80(0x004115e6:a1))
0x004115ec:a5: EAX(0x004115ec:a5) = call fCls3:8(free)(EAX(0x004115c8:83))
DEBUG 25: earlyremoval
0x004115ec:35e: s0xfffffe90(0x004115ec:35e) = s0xfffffe90(0x004115c8:35d) [] i0x004115ec:a5:8(free)
0x004115ec:35e: **
DEBUG 26: earlyremoval
0x004115ec:371: s0xfffffe94(0x004115ec:371) = s0xfffffe94(0x004115ec:a4) [] i0x004115ec:a5:8(free)
0x004115ec:371: **
DEBUG 27: indirectcollapse
0x004115ec:384: s0xfffffe98(0x004115ec:384) = s0xfffffe98(0x00411563:3d) [] i0x004115ec:a5:8(free)
0x004115ec:384: **
DEBUG 28: propagatecopy
0x004115ec:41c: s0xfffffed4(0x004115ec:41c) = s0xfffffed4(0x004115d0:8f) [] i0x004115ec:a5:8(free)
0x004115ec:41c: s0xfffffed4(0x004115ec:41c) = EAX(0x004115c8:83) [] i0x004115ec:a5:8(free)
DEBUG 29: earlyremoval
0x004115ec:a4: s0xfffffe94(0x004115ec:a4) = #0x4115f1
0x004115ec:a4: **
DEBUG 30: setcasts
0x004115ec:50b: **
0x004115ec:50b: EAX(0x004115ec:50b) = (cast) u0x10000129(0x004115ec:a5)
0x004115ec:a5: EAX(0x004115ec:a5) = call fCls3:8(free)(EAX(0x004115c8:50a))
0x004115ec:a5: u0x10000129(0x004115ec:a5) = call fCls3:8(free)(EAX(0x004115c8:50a))
Decompilation complete
In my case, I wanted to know why the function call at 0x4115ec thinks that EAX is being passed as an argument instead of ECX.
Here is ChatGPT's explanation. And it's right! ECX will be equal to the value of EAX at the time of the call.
list action
shows the plan of actions/passesdebug action foo
can enable extra debug info for some actions, such as inputprototype
Sometimes it is necessary to use a bleeding edge Linux kernel such as
to debug hardware issues. In this post, I'll discuss how to do
this on Ubuntu Jammy.
Ubuntu has a pretty cool automated mainline kernel build
system that also tracks branches like
and drm-intel-next
. Sadly, it's usually based off whatever Ubuntu
release is under development, and may not be compatible with the most recent LTS
release. This is currently the case with Ubuntu Jammy.
I want to run drm-intel-next
, which is available
here. But if you
attempt to install this kernel on Jammy, and have DKMS modules, you'll run into
an error because Jammy's glibc version is too old. The solution is to build the
kernel from scratch. But since there aren't any source debs, and there doesn't
really seem to be any documentation, I always forget how to do this.
So here's how to do it. The first step is that we'll checkout the kernel source from git. Right now, at the top of the drm-intel-next mainlage page it says:
To obtain the source from which they are built fetch the commit below:
git://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-kernel-test/ubuntu/+source/linux/+git/mainline-crack cod/mainline/cod/tip/drm-intel-next/2023-10-13
So we'll do that:
~/kernels $ git clone --depth 1 -b cod/mainline/cod/tip/drm-intel-next/2023-10-13 https://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-kernel-test/ubuntu/+source/linux/+git/mainline-crack drm-intel-next
Cloning into 'drm-intel-next'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 86818, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (86818/86818), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (82631/82631), done.
remote: Total 86818 (delta 10525), reused 21994 (delta 3264)
Receiving objects: 100% (86818/86818), 234.75 MiB | 2.67 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (10525/10525), done.
Note: switching to '458311d2d5e13220df5f8b10e444c7252ac338ce'.
You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by switching back to a branch.
If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -c with the switch command. Example:
git switch -c <new-branch-name>
Or undo this operation with:
git switch -
Turn off this advice by setting config variable advice.detachedHead to false
Updating files: 100% (81938/81938), done.
Side note: The --depth 1
will speed the clone up, because we don't really care
about the entire git history.
Next, cd drm-intel-next
As a sanity check, verify that the debian
directory, which contains the Ubuntu
build scripts, is present.
To start, you need to run fakeroot debian/rules clean
which will generate a
few files including debian/changelog
Next, run fakeroot debian/rules binary
and wait a few seconds. I got an error:
~/k/drm-intel-next $ fakeroot debian/rules binary
[... snip ...]
make ARCH=x86 CROSS_COMPILE=x86_64-linux-gnu- HOSTCC=x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc-13 CC=x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc-13 KERNELVERSION=6.6.0-060600rc2drmintelnext20231013- CONFIG_DEBUG_SECTION_MISMATCH=y KBUILD_BUILD_VERSION="202310130203" LOCALVERSION= localver-extra= CFLAGS_MODULE="-DPKG_ABI=060600rc2drmintelnext20231013" PYTHON=python3 O=/home/ed/kernels/drm-intel-next/debian/tmp-headers INSTALL_HDR_PATH=/home/ed/kernels/drm-intel-next/debian/linux-libc-dev/usr -j16 headers_install
make[1]: Entering directory '/home/ed/kernels/drm-intel-next'
make[2]: Entering directory '/home/ed/kernels/drm-intel-next/debian/tmp-headers'
HOSTCC scripts/basic/fixdep
/bin/sh: 1: x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc-13: not found
make[4]: *** [/home/ed/kernels/drm-intel-next/scripts/Makefile.host:114: scripts/basic/fixdep] Error 127
make[3]: *** [/home/ed/kernels/drm-intel-next/Makefile:633: scripts_basic] Error 2
make[2]: *** [/home/ed/kernels/drm-intel-next/Makefile:234: __sub-make] Error 2
make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/ed/kernels/drm-intel-next/debian/tmp-headers'
make[1]: *** [Makefile:234: __sub-make] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/ed/kernels/drm-intel-next'
make: *** [debian/rules.d/2-binary-arch.mk:559: install-arch-headers] Error 2
Naturally, gcc-13
isn't available on Jammy. This is why I hate computers.
appears hard-coded into the build scripts:
~/k/drm-intel-next $ fgrep -R gcc-13 .
./init/Kconfig:# It's still broken in gcc-13, so no upper bound yet.
./debian/control: gcc-13, gcc-13-aarch64-linux-gnu [arm64] <cross>, gcc-13-arm-linux-gnueabihf [armhf] <cross>, gcc-13-powerpc64le-linux-gnu [ppc64el] <cross>, gcc-13-riscv64-linux-gnu [riscv64] <cross>, gcc-13-s390x-linux-gnu [s390x] <cross>, gcc-13-x86-64-linux-gnu [amd64] <cross>,
./debian/rules.d/0-common-vars.mk:export gcc?=gcc-13
./debian.master/config/annotations:CONFIG_CC_VERSION_TEXT policy<{'amd64': '"x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc-13 (Ubuntu 13.2.0-4ubuntu3) 13.2.0"', 'arm64': '"aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc-13 (Ubuntu 13.2.0-4ubuntu3) 13.2.0"', 'armhf': '"arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc-13 (Ubuntu 13.2.0-4ubuntu3) 13.2.0"', 'ppc64el': '"powerpc64le-linux-gnu-gcc-13 (Ubuntu 13.2.0-4ubuntu3) 13.2.0"', 'riscv64': '"riscv64-linux-gnu-gcc-13 (Ubuntu 13.2.0-4ubuntu3) 13.2.0"', 's390x': '"s390x-linux-gnu-gcc-13 (Ubuntu 13.2.0-4ubuntu3) 13.2.0"'}>
Well, let's change them to gcc-12
and see what happens. Be prepared to wait a lot longer this time...
~/k/drm-intel-next $ sed -i -e 's/gcc-13/gcc-12/g' debian/{control,rules.d/0-common-vars.mk} debian.master/config/annotations
~/k/drm-intel-next $ fakeroot debian/rules binary
[... lots of kernel compilation output ...]
# Compress kernel modules
find debian/linux-image-unsigned-6.6.0-060600rc2drmintelnext20231013-generic -name '*.ko' -print0 | xargs -0 -n1 -P 16 zstd -19 --quiet --rm
stdout is a console, aborting
make: *** [debian/rules.d/2-binary-arch.mk:622: binary-generic] Error 123
Well, that's annoying. It seems that the general build logic calls zstd
compress any found files. But if none are found, then the rule fails. Perhaps
newer versions of zstd
don't fail when called on no arguments. Anyway, apply
the following patch to use xargs -r
to fix this:
--- a/debian/rules.d/2-binary-arch.mk
+++ b/debian/rules.d/2-binary-arch.mk
@@ -568,7 +568,7 @@ define dh_all
dh_installdocs -p$(1)
dh_compress -p$(1)
# Compress kernel modules
- find debian/$(1) -name '*.ko' -print0 | xargs -0 -n1 -P $(CONCURRENCY_LEVEL) zstd -19 --quiet --rm
+ find debian/$(1) -name '*.ko' -print0 | xargs -r -0 -n1 -P $(CONCURRENCY_LEVEL) zstd -19 --quiet --rm
dh_fixperms -p$(1) -X/boot/
dh_shlibdeps -p$(1) $(shlibdeps_opts)
dh_installdeb -p$(1)
Re-run fakeroot debian/rules binary
and if all goes well, you should end up
with a bunch of .deb
files in the parent directory, and something like:
~/k/drm-intel-next $ fakeroot debian/rules binary
[... lots of kernel compilation output ...]
dpkg-deb: building package 'linux-source-6.6.0' in '../linux-source-6.6.0_6.6.0-060600rc2drmintelnext20231013.202310130203_all.deb'.
dpkg-deb: building package 'linux-headers-6.6.0-060600rc2drmintelnext20231013' in '../linux-headers-6.6.0-060600rc2drmintelnext20231013_6.6.0-060600rc2drmintelnext20231013.202310130203_all.deb'.
dpkg-deb: building package 'linux-tools-common' in '../linux-tools-common_6.6.0-060600rc2drmintelnext20231013.202310130203_all.deb'.
dpkg-deb: building package 'linux-cloud-tools-common' in '../linux-cloud-tools-common_6.6.0-060600rc2drmintelnext20231013.202310130203_all.deb'.
dpkg-deb: building package 'linux-tools-host' in '../linux-tools-host_6.6.0-060600rc2drmintelnext20231013.202310130203_all.deb'.
dpkg-deb: building package 'linux-doc' in '../linux-doc_6.6.0-060600rc2drmintelnext20231013.202310130203_all.deb'.
Now install the desired packages with sudo dpkg -i <paths to .deb files>
Some days I hate computers. Today is one of those days. My work computer froze over the weekend (which is another long, frustrating story that I won't go into right now), so I had to reboot. As usual, I logged into our Pulse Secure VPN, and opened up Chrome. And Chrome can't resolve anything. I can't get to regular internet sites or intranet sites. What the heck?
My first thought is that this is somehow proxy related. But no, even when disabling the proxy, I still can't resolve internal hostnames.
But tools like dig
and ping
work. I open up Firefox, and that works too.
OK, that's weird. I open up chrome://net-internals/#dns
in Chrome and confirm
that it can't resolve anything. I try flushing the cache, but that doesn't
work. I try a few other things, like disabling DNS prefetching and safe
browsing, but none of those help either.
I take a look at /etc/resolv.conf
, which contains a VPN DNS server presumably
added by Pulse Secure, and
for the systemd-resolved
resolver. I
confirm that resolvectl
does not know about the Pulse Secure DNS server. I
add it manually with resolvectl dns tun0 <server>
, and Chrome starts working
again. OK, well that's good. But how do we fix it permanently?
This seems relevant: PulseSecure VPN does not work with
systemd-resolved. Oh, maybe
not. The "fix" is to publish documentation that the Pulse Secure developers
should read. Sigh. After reading more closely, I see something about the
command, which they do already support. I don't seem to have that
command, but that is easily fixed by a apt install resolvconf
, and I confirm
that after reconnecting to the VPN, systemd-resolved
knows of the VPN DNS
servers. And Chrome works. Yay!
So what happened that this suddenly became a problem? I'm not sure. One
possibility is that Chrome started ignoring /etc/resolv.conf
and directly
using systemd-resolved
if it appears to be available.
I really hate when my computer stops working, so I hope that if you are affected by this problem and find this blog post, it helps you out.
I've been feeling left behind by all the exciting news surrounding AI, so I've been quietly working on a project to get myself up to speed with some modern Transformers models for NLP. This project is mostly a learning exercise, but I'm sharing it in the hopes that it is still interesting!
One of my favorite projects is OOAnalyzer, which is part of SEI's Pharos static binary analysis framework. As the name suggests, it is a binary analysis tool for analyzing object-oriented (OO) executables to learn information about their high level structure. This structure includes classes, the methods assigned to each class, and the relationships between classes (such as inheritance). What's really cool about OOAnalyzer is that it is built on rules written in Prolog -- yes, Prolog! So it's both interesting academically and practically; people do use OOAnalyzer in practice. For more information, check out the original paper or a video of my talk.
Along the way to understanding a program's class hierarchy, OOAnalyzer needs to solve many smaller problems. One of these problems is: Given a function in an executable, does this function correspond to an object-oriented method in the source code? In my humble opinion, OOAnalyzer is pretty awesome, but one of the yucky things about it is that it contains many hard-coded assumptions that are only valid for Microsoft Visual C++ on 32-bit x86 (or just x86 MSVC to save some space!)
It just so happens that on
this compiler and platform, most OO methods use the thiscall
convention, which passes a pointer to the this
object in the ecx
register. Below is an interactive Godbolt example that shows a simple method mymethod
being compiled by x86 MSVC. You can see on line 7 that the thisptr
is copied from ecx
onto the stack at offset -4. On line 9, you can see that arg
is passed on the stack. In contrast, on line 20, myfunc
only receives its argument on the stack, and does not access ecx
(Note that this assembly code comes from the compiler and includes the name of functions, which makes it obvious whether a function corresponds to an OO method. Unfortunately this is not the case when reverse engineering without access to source code!)
Because most non-thisptr
arguments are passed on the stack in x86 MSVC, but the thisptr
is passed in ecx
, seeing an argument in the ecx
register is highly suggestive (but not definitive) that the function corresponds to an OO
method. OOAnalyzer has a variety of heuristics based on this notion that tries
to determine whether a function corresponds to an OO method. These work well,
but they're specific to x86 MSVC. What if we wanted to
generalize to other compilers? Maybe we could learn to do that. But first,
let's see if we can learn to do this for x86 MSVC.
Let's play with some machine learning!
You can't learn without data, so the first thing I had to do was create a dataset. Fortunately, I already had a lot of useful tools and projects for generating ground truth about OO programs that I could reuse.
The first project I used was BuildExes. This is a project that takes several test programs that are distributed as part of OOAnalyzer and builds them with many versions of MSVC and a variety of compiler options. The cute thing about BuildExes is that it uses Azure pipelines to install different versions of MSVC using the Chocolatey package manager and perform the compilations. Otherwise we'd have to install eight MSVC versions, which sounds like a pain to me. BuildExes uses a mix of publicly available Chocolatey packages and some that I created for older versions of MSVC that no one else cares about 🤣.
When BuildExes runs on Azure pipelines, it produces an artifact consisting of a large number of executables that I can use as my dataset.
As part of our evaluations for the OOAnalyzer paper, we wrote a variety of scripts that extracted ground truth information out of PDB debugging symbols files (which, conveniently, are also included in the BuildExes artifact!) These scripts aren't publicly available, but they aren't top secret and we've shared them with other researchers. They essentially call a tool to decode PDB files into a textual representation and then parse the results.
Here is the script that produces the ground truth
It's a bit obscure, but it's not very complicated. Basically, for each executable in the BuildExes
project, it reads the ground truth file, and also uses the bat-dis
tool from the ROSE Binary
Analysis Framework to
disassemble the program.
The initial dataset is available on 🤗 HuggingFace. Aside: I love that 🤗 HuggingFace lets you browse datasets to see what they look like.
The next step is to split the data into training and test sets. In ML, the best practice is generally to ensure that there is no overlap between the training and test sets. This is so that the performance of a model on the test set represents performance on "unseen examples" that the model has not been trained on. But this is tricky for a few reasons.
First, software is natural, which means that we can expect that distinct programmers will naturally write the same code over and over again. If a function is independently written multiple times, should it really count as an "previously seen example"? Unfortunately, we can't distinguish when a function is independently written multiple times or simply copied. So when we encounter a duplicate function, what should we do? Discard it entirely? Allow it to be in both the training and test sets? There is a related question for functions that are very similar. If two functions only differ by an identifier name, would knowledge of one constitute knowledge of the other?
Second, compilers introduce a lot of functions that are not written by the programmer, and thus are very, very common. If you look closely at our dataset, it is actually dominated by compiler utility functions and functions from the standard library. In a real-world setting, it is probably reasonable to assume that an analyst has seen these before. Should we discard these, or allow them to be in both the training and test sets, with the understanding that they are special in some way?
Constructing a training and test split has to take into account these questions. I actually created an additional dataset that splits the data via different mechanisms.
I think the most intuitively correct one is what I call splitting by library
functions. The idea is quite simple. If a function name appears in the
compilation of more than one test program, we call it a library function. For
example, if we compile oo2.cpp
and oo3.cpp
to oo2.exe
and oo3.exe
respectively, and both executables contain a function called
, then that function is probably introduced by the
compiler or standard library, and we call it a library function. If function
only appears in oo2.exe
and no other executables, then we
call it a non-library function. We then split the data into training and test
sets such that the training set consists only of library functions, and the test
set consists only of non-library functions. In essence, we train on the commonly
available functions, and test on the rare ones.
This idea isn't perfect, but it works pretty well, and it's easy to understand and justify. You can view this split here.
Now that we have a dataset, we can fine-tune a model. I used the huggingface/CodeBERTa-small-v1 model on 🤗 HuggingFace as a base model. This is a model that was trained on a large corpus of code, but that is not trained on assembly code (and we will see some evidence of this).
My model, which I fine-tuned with the training split using the "by library" method described above, is available as ejschwartz/oo-method-test-model-bylibrary. It attains 94% accuracy on the test set, which I thought was pretty good. I suspect that OOAnalyzer performs similarly well.
If you are familiar with the 🤗 Transformers library, it's actually quite easy to use my model (or someone else's). You can actually click on the "Use in Transformers" button on the model page, and it will show you the Python code to use. But if you're a mere mortal, never fear, as I've created a Space for you to play with, which is embedded here:
If you want, you can upload your own x86 MSVC executable. But if you don't
have one of those lying around, you can just click on one of the built-in example
executables at the bottom of the space (ooex8.exe
). From there, you can select a function from the dropdown menu to
see its disassembly, and the model's opinion of whether it is a class method or
not. If the assembly code is too long for the model to process, you'll currently encounter an error.
Here's a recording of what it looks like:
If you are very patient, you can also click on "Interpret" to run Shapley interpretation, which will show which tokens are contributing the most. But it is slow. Very slow. Like five minutes slow. It also won't give you any feedback or progress (sigh -- blame gradio, not me).
Here's an example of an interpretation. The dark red tokens contribute more to
method-ness and dark blue tokens contribute to function-ness. You can also see that
registers names are not tokens in the original CodeBERT model. For instance, ecx
and is split into ec
and x
, which the model learns to treat as a pair. It's
not a coincidence that the model learned that ecx
is indicative of a method,
as this is a rule used in OOAnalyzer as well. It's also somewhat interesting that the model views sequences of zero bytes in the binary code as being indicative of function-ness.
Now that we've shown we can relearn a heuristic that is already included in OOAnalyzer, this raises a few other questions:
One of the "false positives" of the ecx
heuristics is the fastcall
calling convention, which also uses the ecx
register. We should ensure that the dataset contains functions with this calling convention (and others), since they do occur in practice.
What other parts of OOAnalyzer can we learn from examples? How does the accuracy of learned properties compare to the current implementation?
Can we learn to distinguish functions and methods for other architectures and compilers? Unfortunately, one bottleneck here is that our ground truth scripts only work for MSVC. But this certainly isn't an insurmountable problem.
I've mentioned a few times that I'm an avid skier. I live in central Pennsylvania though, and so the skiing is not always the best, to say the least!
I've been going to the BLISTER Summit in Crested Butte for the past two years now, and it's been a blast. The summit defies categorization; it's a cross between a huge ski demo, meet-up, and panel sessions. It's a great way to try out new gear, ski on an incredible mountain, and ski with some really awesome people, including Wendy Fisher, Chris Davenport, Drew Petersen and the BLISTER team.
Anyway, I mostly wanted to share a few fun pictures from the event. Somehow I made it into the promo video for next year's event! Sadly, it was not because of my epic skiing:
I've been looking for a good excuse to post some pictures. So, here you go!
My family and I had quite the day attending the 2023 Central Pennsylvania Open Source Conference (CPOSC) yesterday at the Ware Center in Lancaster, PA. In addition to attending, we spoke in three different talks!
My wife, Dr. Stephanie Schwartz, kicked things off.
She gave a short introduction on Random Forests as an introduction for her student Samantha Noggle, in "Machine Learning Techniques to Improve Users' Music Listening Experiences". I thought Samantha did a great job on her presentation. It was an interesting topic that she presented at just the right level of detail.Next, my step son Nick Elzer, along with his coworker from Quub, Nathaniel Every, gave his first ever public conference presentation, and did a great job!
Their presentation was "SpaceHeX Beta1.0 Release - What If, For Space Hardware Development, We Put Each Egg In Its Own Basket?", and was about SpaceHex, a prototyping system they open sourced to make it easier for people to break into satellite development. They also demoed a pretty sweet omnidirectional rover that they built (at 2am the night before, naturally).Started the open source repo for our space hardware development platform https://t.co/cRzHZkM6Gg
— Nathaniel Evry (@NathanielEvry) April 1, 2023
Had a blast presenting with @Nick_elzer for @quubspace!
Thank you @CPOSC for having us! pic.twitter.com/eRoHm5ea2u
Finally, I gave a tutorial presentation called "Introduction to Exploiting Stack Buffer Overflow Vulnerabilities". If you want, you can follow along here and the videos below.
After a few years of hiatus, it was great to have CPOSC 2023 be back in person again. I saw a number of great presentations, and met a lot of interesting and smart people. It's always surprising how many technical people work in an area that is known for its rural farming!
Last December, I did most of Advent of Code in Rust, which I had never used before. You can find my solutions here.
I tend to program functionally, perhaps even excessively so. I try to express
most concepts through map
, filter
, and fold
. I tend to enjoy languages
that make this easy. Fortunately, this is becoming the norm, even in
non-functional languages such as Python, Java and C++.
Perhaps it is not too surprising then that Rust, as a new language, supports this style of programming as well:
let x: i32 = (1..42).map(|x| x+1).sum();
println!("x: {x}");
What is truly amazing about Rust though is how this function code is
compiled to x86-64. At optimiation level 1, the computation of x
evaluates to
mov dword ptr [rsp + 4], 902
lea rax, [rsp + 4]
Yes, the compiler is able to unfold and simplify the entire computation, which is pretty neat. But let's look at the code at optimization level 0:
mov ecx, 1
xor eax, eax
mov dl, 1
movzx edx, dl
and edx, 1
add edx, ecx
add eax, ecx
inc eax
mov ecx, edx
cmp edx, 42
setb dl
jb .LBB5_1
sub rsp, 72
mov dword ptr [rsp + 4], eax
lea rax, [rsp + 4]
So our functional computation of a range, a map, and a sum (which is a reduce
is compiled into a pretty simple loop. And keep in mind this is at optimization
level 0.
By contrast, let's take a look at how OCaml handles this. First, the included OCaml standard library is not so great, so writing the program is more awkward:
let r = List.init 42 (fun x -> x + 1) in
let x = List.map (fun x -> x+1) r in
let x = List.fold_left (+) 0 x in
Printf.printf "x: %x\n" x
But let's look at the assembly with aggressive optimizations:
leaq -328(%rsp), %r10
cmpq 32(%r14), %r10
jb .L122
subq $8, %rsp
movl $85, %ebx
movl $5, %eax
call camlExample__init_aux_432@PLT
call caml_alloc2@PLT
leaq 8(%r15), %rsi
movq $2048, -8(%rsi)
movq $5, (%rsi)
movq %rax, 8(%rsi)
movq camlExample__Pmakeblock_arg_247@GOTPCREL(%rip), %rdi
movq %rsp, %rbp
movq 56(%r14), %rsp
call caml_initialize@PLT
movq %rbp, %rsp
movq camlExample__Pmakeblock_arg_247@GOTPCREL(%rip), %rax
movq (%rax), %rax
call camlExample__map_503@PLT
call caml_alloc2@PLT
leaq 8(%r15), %rsi
movq $2048, -8(%rsi)
movq $5, (%rsi)
movq %rax, 8(%rsi)
movq camlExample__x_77@GOTPCREL(%rip), %rdi
movq %rsp, %rbp
movq 56(%r14), %rsp
call caml_initialize@PLT
movq %rbp, %rsp
movq camlExample__x_77@GOTPCREL(%rip), %rax
movq (%rax), %rax
movq 8(%rax), %rbx
movl $5, %eax
call camlExample__fold_left_558@PLT
movq camlExample__x_75@GOTPCREL(%rip), %rdi
movq %rax, %rsi
movq %rsp, %rbp
movq 56(%r14), %rsp
call caml_initialize@PLT
movq %rbp, %rsp
movq camlExample__const_block_49@GOTPCREL(%rip), %rdi
movq camlExample__Pmakeblock_637@GOTPCREL(%rip), %rbx
movq camlStdlib__Printf__anon_fn$5bprintf$2eml$3a20$2c14$2d$2d48$5d_409_closure@GOTPCREL(%rip), %rax
call camlCamlinternalFormat__make_printf_4967@PLT
movq camlExample__full_apply_240@GOTPCREL(%rip), %rdi
movq %rax, %rsi
movq %rsp, %rbp
movq 56(%r14), %rsp
call caml_initialize@PLT
movq %rbp, %rsp
movq camlExample__full_apply_240@GOTPCREL(%rip), %rax
movq (%rax), %rbx
movq camlExample__x_75@GOTPCREL(%rip), %rax
movq (%rax), %rax
movq (%rbx), %rdi
call *%rdi
movl $1, %eax
addq $8, %rsp
push $34
call caml_call_realloc_stack@PLT
popq %r10
jmp .L123
In general, the Rust compiler's error messages are quite helpful. This is important, because dealing (fighting) with the borrow checker is a frequence occurrence. Unfortunately, there are some cases that, despite a lot of effort, I still don't really understand.
Here is a problem that I posted on stack overflow. It's a bit contrived, but it happened because I had a very functional solution to part 1 of an Advent of Code problem. The easiest way to solve the second part was to add a mutation.
Here is the program:
fn main(){
let v1=vec![1];
let v2=vec![3];
let mut v3=vec![];
And here is the error:
error: captured variable cannot escape `FnMut` closure body
--> src/main.rs:6:5
4 | let mut v3=vec![];
| ------ variable defined here
5 | v1.iter().map(|x|{
| - inferred to be a `FnMut` closure
6 | / v2.iter().map(|y|{
7 | | v3.push(*y);
| | -- variable captured here
8 | | })
| |______^ returns a reference to a captured variable which escapes the closure body
The suggestions I received on stack overflow were basically "use loops". This was very disappointing for an example where the closures' scopes are clearly limited.
Anyway, it's still early days for Rust, so I hope that problems like this will be improved over time. Overall, it seems like a great language for doing systems development, but I still think a garbage collected language is better for daily driving.
Right before the holidays, I, along with my co-authors of the journal article The Art, Science, and Engineering of Fuzzing: A Survey, received an early holiday present!
On behalf of Vice President for Publications, David Ebert, I am writing to inform you that your paper, "The Art, Science, and Engineering of Fuzzing: A Survey," has been awarded the 2021 Best Paper Award from IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering by the IEEE Computer Society Publications Board.
This was quite unexpected, as our article was accepted back in 2019 -- four years ago! But it only "appeared" in the November 2021 editions of the journal.
You can access this article here or, as always, on my publications page.
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